Ella Orencillo

Ella is a multi-disciplinary artist who considers UAE her second home since 2008. She started as an airbrush artist in 1999. 

With more that 20 years of experience, she has done art on any possible surface possible. From shoes to huge walls. Her art has distinct vivid colors with a cross of pop-surrealism. The girls she paints has signature eyes.

She established her company, Craftology by Ella Orencillo, in 2019 and has been commissioned by different brands and led long term activations and workshops. Whilst continuing to add colors to the city, one wall at a time.

Photo Credit: Danabelle Gutierrez

Art & Sunshine,

Ella Orencillo

Lara Elsergany

Hi there! I’m a 27-year-old Egyptian writer-artist, who feels very silly referring to herself as a multi-hyphenate. 

My artwork is a personification of my fantasies. Growing up, I would sketch out things like keys that could open my crush’s heart or thoughts visibly floating out of my head so I don’t have to explain myself to the world. The most consistent thing that I always drew was the design of my own coffee shop. Which brings me to my infatuation with the magical brown drink. It sounds cliché (and a little weird perhaps), but I can trace every passion I have back to coffee. All my best ideas are born while having a cup of coffee - preferably in a cozy, edgy coffeeshop - and journaling. In a sense, coffee freed my need to express myself through drawings. It also gets honourable mention for helping make the Girl in Cup series a reality. As I sipped my carefully crafted flat white one morning, I thought “I wish I could just swim in this”. Of course, I had to sketch it out. 

I want my art to make you feel understood. Your crazy thoughts, ideas and fantasies are valid. So valid, in fact, that they could one day make their way onto the packaging of an exciting new coffee brand.

Radwa El Attar

My name is Radwa, 28 I'm a Radio presenter Multimedia Producer and a Comic Artist


My best memories rarely involve self control so Im trying to do more of that, which is quite hard for a Gemini, we're obsessed with control.

I'm currently trying to keep an open mind, now that we are almost done with this year...I feel like my generation is cursed or something, the obsession with having established careers before the age of 25 has led everyone being hyper competitive, self centered and deeply insecure.

Im also trying to process my emotions in a healthy way, buy a candel, drink coffee until I throw up, over share online.. you know the normal

I have alot of thoughts like alot, again its been a tough year..I just hope parallel universe me is doing better than this...so I let the thoughts out in my comics
@Theandwebcomic, my shows my work and listening to music endlessly, thanks to my brother @sherifelattar he is the reason why I can do what I'm doing with the musical knowledge he gave me since we were kids.

I have enormous amount of respect for artists who give us Raw real creative material you know..like you

I just feel like 2021 will be a turning point for alot of artists singers film makers, I just wanna see how everyone will recover really.

And just a friendly reminder that I always go to during my darkest times, that we managed to survive every painful experience we have ever had, in my case the hardest one was losing my dad..it's been almost 7 years now and you would think with time it would get easier but your brian is an asshole and it keeps spitting memories you had previously forgotten about and just like that you're right back at the beginning of the pain...just keep healing, normalise not apologising for how you choose to heal"